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Useful phones

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Usefull phonesUseful telephones in Itanos Region - Eastern Crete


Sitia bus station:
28430 22272

Taxi (Phone Central): 28430-22700

Sitia airport:
28430 24460, 24666

Sitia shipping line (LANE):
28430 25080 / 28900

Road assistant (ELPA):

Road assistant (EXPRESS SERVICE):

Palekastro tourist information:
28430 61546 / 61547

Tourist Information Office Sitia: 28430 28300

Sitia Police station:
28430 22259

Bureau of Municipal Police: 28430 28300

Tourist police Zakros:
28430 93323

Port police:
28430 22310

Fire station Sitia: 28430  23199

Fire station:

Zakros Medical Office:
28430 93265

First aid (Sitia hospital):
28430 24311

Pharmacy in Palekastro:
28430 61410

Itanos Region:
28430 61204

Itanos Hoteliers Association:
28430 61021

Itanos Professional Association:
28430 61243

Archaeological Museum of Sitia: 28430 23917

Folklore Museum of Sitia: 28430-22861 22541

Cultural Center of Sitia: 28430-24631



This website made by the Hoteliers Association of Itanos municipality with the collaboration of Municipal Enterprise and the Professional association, in order to facilitate your visit in our municipality.


Read 2045 times Last modified on Saturday, 11 May 2013 14:08